Project Journal


Today I started my proposal and struggled to answer the questions because I didn’t know what I was suppose to write about.



I finished the proposal and began doing the research



Key Practitioner

My key practitioner is Yelawolf who is also the artist of the song I will be making my music video for. I have chosen this because his song ‘Devil In My Veins’ was stuck in my head recently and I started to have clear ideas for a music video for it. This artist has inspired me because of how diverse his musical ability is, he would go from a gangster rap style in one song to playing the acoustic guitar himself in a slow country style in the next one (devil in my veins). Because he writes his lyrics using metaphors and deep meanings. This made it easy to come up with a story as there is space for these meanings to be represented .









Today I finished writing my pitch and later showed it to the group where I got my feed back. I need to add to my primary research and do my secondary to get more information.


I am now starting my pre production by beginning the storyboard and it’s going well so far. The main challenge is deciding how long a shot should last for as the song is quite slow.


I have completed my research and I am now finishing my pre production. I am also in the process of filming test shots to present with my pre production.


I could not present the pre production pitch because I did not have it ready in time as I was helping someone by being in their project. However I have been told this is not a problem if I manage to get it uploaded to my blog by the 24th of may.


Today I have been fine tuning the blog making sure all the things like pitches, pre production and evaluations are all on here so I can begin filming tomorrow.



Today I began filming My video at the same time as helping Sam film his by being in his video. I could only get the street scenes and the scene where the character arrives at college because everything else needed to be filmed in a house and in residential areas. A big problem I have had with not being able to film sooner is not having actors for my video. If I had actors sooner I would have filmed around working on other aspects of the brief but understandably they had their own projects to worry about.



I continued filming today by gathering scenery shots for the chorus of the song and also continued to help Sam film for his video. I was meant to finish filming today as I didn’t have much else to film, however the actors could not make it for either of our videos because they were ill or had appointments.


Today we wanted to film starting at 11am but the actors had to do other various things before they could get down to us and so they arrived at about 5pm leaving us both annoyed and only a couple of hours to shoot the rest of both videos. In the evening I edited the music video until it was pretty much finished which took me to 2:30am. The only reason couldn’t finish it then is because I had filmed on my camera and on my phone (my phone was used for slow motion) and two of the clips didn’t have visual when on the computer.


I fixed yesterdays problem by locating the files and finishing the edit. I have now uploaded my project to my blog and handed in the final product.



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